Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Well, do you?

Growing up I could never understand why people would complain so much about their jobs. I never understood how people could be so bent at having to do what they just had to do. Being so "naive" I would think, well just find another job that you like. So simple. Why wouldn't you just go do something fun, something better. No brainer. Now that I am older and sooooo much smarter, I see why.

I came to this exact crossroads when my friend in English writing class told me that he was about to partake of the dusty Utah powder snowboarding at the Canyons ski resort in PC. I was out; I still had another class, homework, work and who knows what else. So I stayed and watched the flakes fall.

I couldn't take it. So I quit school, and never looked back. Ya, I heard it all, exactly what you're thinking. Alot.

That brings me to now, or last week. Every now and then, I have a week or a day that makes me rethink. The day I don't enjoy this any more, I'm done. Just find another job that I might like. Or move to a different state. Or move to a different country. Or sell my truck and get a bus pass. Or sell my bike and get dish network. Or get rid of my dogs and get a cat. Ya, I thought I might last week.

It was a little on the rough side. There were a few nights that turned into day, and a few days where I just wanted to pour clorox in my eyes and step in front of a bus. I thought right back to Marlin's advice: Don't get into woodworking, you won't make any money. And that is exactly why I'm here, is the money. I will be so rich someday. Wheelbarrows full.

It's fun again this week. I am convinced I do what I like. We got Leslie's cabinets done, the Peruvian turned out. The satisfaction is worth it. But I still keep the bottle of clorox close for justin.


  1. You're lucky to be one of the few that chose to do what you love. Yeah, you're not getting paid to ride your bike (yet), but not many people are. I'll admit I sold out, but right now I'm fortunate enough to have a job that keeps me pretty happy.

  2. Aaron, i wouldnt say sold out. You went were i was going sitting in class. That takes dedication. And if your happy, no complaints.
