Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hot Coffee Table

Happy Christmas to my lovely wife.

We don't drink coffee, but we should start. A coffee table like this deserves some expensive Columbian or Seattle brewed sippage. Mmmmm, bottoms and feet up.


  1. I'll bring you back some seattle's Best...Strong work.

  2. Fast Dan
    You better load up, I'm still trying to recover from building it.

  3. definitely cafe colombiano. i dig the heaviness. nice. i built a little furniture myself for the youngster this year. pics on blog muy pronto. not of wood, but of ferrous. the only wood involved i cut by hand with an 18" hand saw. wood and me do not like each other.

  4. russ

    Im really curious to see. Hand saw or band saw? I know you enjoy yourself some quality time with a band saw.

  5. Hey, How do I contact you to get some work done for me? Need a bid on cabinets. Mark Finlayson gave me your name, but I can't find a number.

  6. Anonymous,

    We would love to get you a bid. Email me at and we will get back with you as soon as you need. We look forward to hearing from you
